The Story Behind Your Kantha: Bangladesh

Back at the beginning, when the dream for this shop was birthed, I hoped for it to be more...more than another shop....more than another instagram picture. I wanted to design beautiful things from a creative passion inside me, but to make a difference in someone else's story, too. Fast forward, and I was connected with Basha, my first partners in the Kantha Bae journey. Now women across the world have a chance, have a hope...just like me.

In the Bengali language, Basha means "house" and asha means "hope." Driven by the needs of the many thousands of women in Bangladesh who are forced into lives they are deeply ashamed of, Basha passionately continues to create alternative opportunities one job at a time – through sales of life-giving, one-of-a-kind products. These women pour themselves into every stitch. If you're lucky, you will catch a signature from a Basha seamstress on the corner of a swaddle or quilt. That special touch is one of my favorite things. 

"Through dignified work, Basha provides a sustainable livelihood for women at risk and survivors of trafficking. Women gain job skills and the opportunity to develop into leaders and entrepreneurs in a healthy, healing, supportive environment. 
We are creating a society where girls and women are empowered, valued, accepted and have confidence to contribute to their family, community and nation. Basha dreams of a day when women are not at risk of exploitation and don’t live in fear." 


Something you may not know about our head wraps is that they are the design used to train the Basha seamstresses on the kantha stitch.  It is a wonderful design to teach with because of the smaller size makes it easier to handle for beginners. Head wraps have become a favorite among these beautiful souls and in our KB Community, too!  I'm so proud to share more of the story behind your kantha because it's one of hope and that's a story worth sharing.... 💛⁣


For more info on Basha, visit our website here and their website here.

(PS: be sure to read about our partnership with the villages in Northern India on the blog here.)


  • Chantal

    How I loved reading about Basha and the women and girls behind it. I love that we are all contributing to saving lives and making their lives matter. Kudo KB…I love you and what you stand for!

  • Gabrielle

    “House of Hope” 🙏✨ This cracks my heart open! ❤️

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