Erica Simpson
I'm Erica, and I am honored to serve in the KB team as a brand assistant! You will find me helping to ensure the branding and marketing of Kantha Bae is being executed with the heart and vision in mind first always as well as in multiple places throughout the KB world helping cultivate the true heartbeat of our brand… people and community. I LOVE connecting with the glorious souls who help spread our message and share our fabulous designs all over the world. I joined the Kantha Bae team officially in the summer of 2021, and I've been connected to Krista and the KB story as a Maven for many years. It all started with a headwrap and the rest is history (history filled with clothing to reflect my free spirit!! I cannot imagine my wardrobe without the dreamy KB goodness…
My amazing husband Jeremy and I have two sweet babies: Jayden and Zoe Mae. Dance parties are a regular occurrence at our house. I'm passionate about reclaiming birth and serve as a doula for families during pregnancy, labor/delivery and their postpartum season. You can find me thrifting any chance I get, soaking up the sun at the beach (Leo here-- I'm solar powered!), sipping iced coffee all year round, empowering women to connect to their bodies and supporting families to embrace a more natural lifestyle. I would love to connect on IG, you can find me at @ericaesimpson Xoxo
I would love to connect on IG, you can find me at @ericaesimpson