Celebrate Love: All Year Long!



The Kantha Bae community is filled with so many beautiful souls who inspire us every day to embrace ourselves with compassion and kindness, and we strive for that ripple to spread to all who we encounter.

(@_jess.adams stunning in all the Vday vibes in her Stardust Silk Muu in Crimson)

To celebrate this year's Valentines Day and love in general, here are a few ways we aim to celebrate love on the daily, weekly, monthly and we hope they are helpful for you to do the same.. because you are WORTHY of love in every moment. 


1: Taking Time to Heal

Taking time to heal can feel selfish at times, but we have learned that it is actually quite the opposite when it is done with love + kindness at the center. Showing up for you and your healing ensures you can be the BEST version of you that you can be, helps to fill those voids you face so you can then be able to fill up and pour your best self out to those around you.


This can look like time in nature, taking time off from life things, taking a trip, planning weekly self-care, going to therapy, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, leaving behind toxic relationships, forgiving, meditation + more! Whatever it looks like for you... take time for it and allow yourself the time and space to truly heal.


Our friend Hannah's (@high_vibrations_coaching on Instagram) journey of self love inspires us deeply:

2: Dopamine Dressing Daily 

 We believe that the journey of self love can begin with one decision at at time. One gentle shift toward a more kind inner dialogue. One day waking up and deciding to dress how you want to feel--not in fear of or seeking the approval of anyone else. We are huge believers in dressing how we want to feel and wearing what we want--no matter the occasion.

The fabulous Vanessa (@thestylefreed on Instagram) inspires us endlessly with her creative and free style. Here's to dopamine dressing as an act of self love and acceptance: 

We know it can feel like an act of courage to dress for YOURSELF and we are all over here cheering you on!  

The sweetest soul Dee (@patchouliandmoon.co on Instagram) shared this reminder while rocking her Dream Tee + other KB pieces and we all echo YESSSS! 


(@rickybraddy is flawless in his Split Cowl Pullover)

3: Scheduling Weekly Self Care 

Hand in hand with taking time to heal weekly and daily self care is a MUST! Whether it's a quick 10 - 15 minutes in the morning to meditate and breathe, it's a spa day, your daily walk, a hot bath, exercise, or a nightly ritual as you're getting ready for bed. Schedule that time for you, and trust us those you love around you will benefit just as much from it because they will get the best version of the person they love so much! 

Our oh so wise friend Ashley (@earthwisewoman on Instagram) shares simple and attainable acts of self love in caring for our bodies with sacred intention. So inspired by her message of tending to our physical needs as offerings of self love.

4: For the Couples: Schedule Time + Date Nights Monthly

For all of our couples out there, this is your reminder to keep love alive all year by SCHEDULING time for you to have time with your partner at least monthly as often as you can. Whether this is a fancy date night, a cozy night alone without phones interrupting you, a hike just the 2 of you... whatever that looks like! Take the time to do it, treat it like an important work appointment. You wouldn't miss or not bring your best to an important business meeting so don't do that to one of the most important people in your life... plan it, show up, and be present!  

 Our very own @ericaesimpson and her hubs @thejeremysimpson rocking their Kantha Bae Butterfly Muu + Hoodie on a date night!

 5: Practice Affirmations and Positive Self Talk

Just something as simple as changing the narrative of how you think and speak to yourself can make a HUGE impact on self-love, which in turn helps us love others better too! 


Whether it's affirmations you get from someone else, or your own that you curate just do it! It will feel awkward at first, but it does get easier and it is WORTH IT! Say it in the mirror to yourself, the car on your morning drive, in bed before you start your day. Whatever that needs to look like start changing your monologue and it will truly change your life. 


Here's one you can start with... 


"I am strong. I am brave. I am beautiful. I will choose love today for myself and others. I will choose joy today. Life is happening for me, and I get to choose how I react."

Gentle yoga and nurturing your energy with @patchouliandmoon.co in her Harems.

Walk in Love Today

What is one small step you can take today on your journey of self acceptance, compassion and love? Maybe that looks like tending to your physical needs and carving out time for a walk in in nature or drinking a cup of herbal tea? Or maybe it means playing dress up in your kantha and finding an outfit to adorn yourself with that makes you feel like royalty (hint: you are). Or maybe it's replacing a nagging narrative that's on repeat in your mind and write a post it and hang it on your mirror as a reminder when you need it of your extraordinary, irreplaceable light.

Whatever that looks like for you, here's a gentle and soul stirring reminder that as we pour into ourselves, the ripples reach around the world. You are loved, today, right here and now, friend. Let's choose to carry this love with us throughout the rest of 2023 + beyond. Together we can create a culture of love that outlives any occasion, or fuzzy feeling.  


With open hands, 

Team Kantha Bae 

(@creations_by_yrsa is stunning, dopamine dressing in her Drifter coat)

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