Cory Nelson

Greetings to all of you beautiful souls! I'm Cory, the Director of Warehousing & Logistics, AKA "Man Of The House", AKA "The Consolidator," AKA any other name that makes me sound like a superhero with specifically boring powers (But still a superhero!).

My journey to Kantha Bae began with my wife, Nicole Nelson, the "Espresso Obsessed Garmento") joining the team sometime in early 2021. Shortly after that, along with our 4 year old son, we took the first of what would turn out to be 3 family trips to visit Nashville and to meet the team. There was an instant connection with Krista, Landon & their small army of kiddos, as well as with the rest of the KB fam. It didn't take much to realize that Nashville & this community of people were where we belonged!

With my background of 15 years in Logistics & Operations at a major shipping terminal in NY, I organically found my place amongst the ranks and in September 2022 we packed our things and migrated south! On a professional level, I enjoy solving complex operational & systemic issues, streamlining processes & doing it all in a very chaotic & LOUD manner. In the simplest terms, I base my entire work ethic off of a quote from the late, great Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try." (Shout out to my fellow Jedi's / Star Wars fanantics! I SEE YOU!).

When i'm not at work, I enjoy seeing new places & trying new restaurants with Nicole, buying our son new toys that I secretly want for myself, good conversations with good people, getting silly tattoos, listening to punk rock & hip hop music that primarily came out prior to 2003, eating chocolate, trying new fancy hipster beers, playing video games on Playstation and NEVER XBox & I have a new obsession with KB head wraps.

Favorites: Head wraps & tees