Motherhood Stories with Maranda Lefebvre

Each week, we will be featuring Motherhood Stories from women in the Kantha Bae community. We want to share the inspiring stories we see everyday, and connect you with new moms. If you haven't already, please be sure to join our Kantha Bae Mamas Group.

This weeks motherhood story comes from Maranda LeFebvre of @heirloomandoil_photo

What’s your name and where are you from? 

My name is Maranda LeFebvre and my home is in the Mountains of Franklin, NC. I’m Currently living in Jacksonville, FL. 

Tell us about your family - Who are the special people in your life? 

My family is my husband & best friend Kyle and my two little loves Ezra, and Luca. Ezra is 2 and Luca is 4 months old.  

Tell us about your work - Are you a stay at home mom? Do you have a full-time job? Do you work from home? Run your own business? 

I’m a stay at home mom as well as a work from home artist. I am a lifestyle photographer &  a painter. I officially started my business, Heirloom & Oil LLC , last year and am running it during nap and bedtime hours. I take painting commissions which can be done all at home in our spare bedroom (aka my painting studio) and I also take a few family photography sessions when my schedule allows. I have to do my photo sessions around my husband’s schedule which is sometimes hard because he’s in the Navy and there’s nothing predictable about the military. It’s a lot to balance, but art and motherhood are what I want to be doing with my life! 

Tell us your motherhood story - Did you always know that you wanted to be a mom? When did you have your first child? What is your hope for this motherhood journey?  

There was a time in my twenties, before I met my husband, that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have children. I loved kids, in fact I was a full time nanny, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to such a huge thing in life. Then I met my husband and I understood why people wanted kids. I fell in love with him and dreamt of growing a family together. Now we’ve had two babies within 5 years of meeting each other! We had our first boy when I was 28 years old. 

My hope is to raise good humans, and one day kind compassionate men. For my motherhood journey, I just hope to soak it all up. All the good and the bad and the chaos because I know these tiny babes are growing faster than I realize. 

What does a typical day in your life look like? 

I usually get up and get the boys taken care of, make my coffee and start my to do list for the day. There’s so much to do for our family and for my business that if I don’t prioritize I end up missing things. We usually try to do errands or go play somewhere in the morning and then if I’m really lucky the boys will nap at the same time after lunch. That’s my window to sit and paint, edit photos, or work on any admin stuff that needs to be done. After nap it’s afternoon play time, dinner, bath and bedtime routine followed by either painting/ editing. If I have some time my husband and I will binge some Netflix before bed. 

What are you most passionate about? 

I would say other than motherhood, I’m super passionate about photographing my kids. It makes me feel a little better about the time passing so quickly I guess! Just knowing I have an image that documented our little lives. Documenting things like our home (since we will move a lot because of the military) and our everyday life. I just know in 10 years those everyday photos will mean the world to me and I’ll be so glad I took the time to take them. 

What is the most joyful part of being a mother?

I gotta say, hearing your kids laugh is one of the best best feelings! It’s just pure joy. I’m a sucker for the little unexpected hugs my two year old gives me. It’s also such a privilege to get to watch my kids grow into their own personalities. My two year old has such a funny personality already! 

What advice do you offer new moms? 

Trust your gut and never feel bad for advocating for your baby whether it’s asking someone to wash their hands before holding them or quizzing a doctor for more information! Find a local mom group or play group. I didn’t do this until my first was 8 months old and I wish I had done it earlier! I met one of my now best friends at a local play space. Meeting other moms is so good for your sanity! 

How did you discover Kantha Bae? 

One of my friends, Leah Payne, of Leah Britton Photography posted her beautiful headwrap and I found Kantha Bae’s Instagram. I was in love with not only the designs, but the mission of Kantha Bae. 

What are your favorite Kantha designs? 

I love the headwraps because they are so perfect for mama’s like me who sometimes do not have time for dealing with their hair! My next wishlist items are the Pareos and a new quilt for some of my photography client work. The natural line is dreamy!! I also have my eye on the Mumu’s. Ok so I want one of everything! 

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