Kantha Living Room Fort

Yesterday we randomly decided to make a fort, something that has been way too long since I’ve done. James and I used to make forts all the time just for the hell of it. It’s actually been since Ava was a baby that we have made one. It was fun b/c now Ava is is big enough to help me. She kept having me add things, like the hat on top and the plant. Then afterwards she proceeded to decorate it with all her paw patrols. This morning she has already draped some crystals on it.
We found yet another way to use our Kantha Bae! We used a blanket, a vest, a turban, a baby ring sling and a crop top! The floor cushion is from My Bohemian House. We use this thing so much. I usually eat dinners sitting on it by the coffee table, and Cosmo sleeps on it most nights. We just got these two beautiful vintage rug pillows from Zarabi Collectif. Rumor has it there might be a fun giveaway over on my IG for a very special gem from their shop, so stay tuned! And of course we had to set up a diffuser with our favorite Seedlings CALM blend, perfect for these times. The beautiful butterfly blanket is from Calhoun and Co. I get asked about this blanket all the time! It’s so so beautiful. If I had more wall space in our home I would totally get another one just to hang on the wall I love it so much!
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