Tara Gregory


Tara Gregory

Hey ya’ll, Tara here, or as my team calls me… IT a.k.a Internet Tara. I’m the one that creates, engineers, and keeps our systems running smoothly on a daily basis. I’m also the one that puts all of the KB Pretties out there into the web-iverse! When something goes awry, I will do my best to fix it and fast! I always say I love a good challenge! I’m an analyst, but also a creative, and I get to be the second eye with graphic design. If I’m not behind the computer screen, I’m in front of the camera modeling all the beautiful KB designs for all of you petite gals.

 I met Krista and her husband Landon in 2015, (I still cannot believe it has been that long), when I started singing with them on the worship team at church. I can remember so vividly watching her iron the Kantha while we rehearsed, never missing a beat! Our relationship grew, and she would always tell me one day she wanted to have me on her team. That day finally came at the beginning of 2020. I left my job of 15 years and never looked back. It was the best decision I ever made! I have not only the best teammates surrounding me, but the most amazing community of women.

 When I’m not solving the problems of the KB interwebs, you can find me repping my Hi Lo on stage while leading worship on Sunday’s. Any other day of the week, you can find me at the ballpark inputting plays on GameChanger and cheering on my son at all of his baseball games! He’s played ball since he was 4, and he is 12 now, so it’s kind of a big deal at our house lol! In the words of Grace… “SPORTS!”

 If I’m not at the ballpark, I’m either at the pool, watching the latest trending shows on Netflix with my hubby (once we find one he can get into), or snuggled up with my fur baby Lucy who lets me carry her like a baby, and has nap time in my arms on days i’m home… (not exaggerating!) I love old video games, so that’s a thing… thank you Nintendo Mini! I love Winsor Pilates (yes it’s old, but I don’t care), I’ve eaten the same breakfast for probably 5 years now, (maybe a tad OCD), I have an obsession with earrings and Apple Watch bands, (no really… it’s bad), and I’m always cold… like always as I sit here with a pair of Lounge pants over my shorts!

My instagram was sadly hacked, but I'm hoping to have a new one up really soon!

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