Melody Timberlake
High five, friends!
I am yours truly, Melody, the KB Cheerleader with all the uplifting mojo to go around the world ten fold. Most days you can find me ensuring your beautiful KB packages make it to you through our shipping department, helping plan shop events and popping into various tasks that keep the energy flowing forward for our amazing company. This career actually fell from the sky, and I give thanks everyday for the crew that I am surrounded by day to day. I have known Krista for a little over four years now, but only last year did our paths cross into a deeper relationship. I am a former teacher turned logistics extraordinaire overnight, and let me tell you how much fun my life has become since saying yes to this brand!
In the behind the scenes look, you can find me cheering on my three kiddos in soccer, dance, and pretty much anything that interests them at the very moment; life of a mom. I also love to surround myself with people- call me an extreme extrovert. I use my love of cooking as an excuse to have friends over as much as possible (or as much as my introverted husband will let me.) When I am not a social butterfly, you can find me playing in dirt and creating life in all things plants. It has become somewhat of a comfort of mine and so soothing for my old soul.
You can follow more of my ever-evolving life over on instagram @wellnessmommaofmj